Saturday, January 1, 2011

It's been a year ~ Part 2

To ringing in the new year (2011) we went to town and spent our Christmas giftcards and boy did we!!! Back to 2010....


Not too much happened in March. Although it seemed like we were always moving. We did get the terraces in the backyard done. Only three years in the making but finally complete.

Of course Laila helped. Hopefully we can get some grass in this year.

We also learned that a quite child is most likely a child up to no good.

Laila also took to exploring.... and exploring through taste.


April brought Easter and birthday parties!!

Easter was great. Laila hated the Easter Bunny and cried the entire time. The year before she had slept through the Easter Bunny so I did not know what to expect this year. We also missed the Easter Egg hunt by about 30 sec and I have to say that is was less hunt and more free for all. Aunt Christy came to the rescue and let us do a faux hunt in that park on our own with out pushy stranger kids and that even more pushy parents.

Laila did not get the point of the egg hunt. She wanted to put all the eggs back in the grass.

After the hunt we had an Easter Party to attend. The weather had not been as nice this day as it had been the earlier in the week but we braved the cool temps and had a blast.

The Easter Bunny was not offended but the screaming because Laila made out like a bandit.

Although her favorite part of the basket was the little pink bunny that Gamga had asked the Easter Bunny to put in her basket.

We also went to birthdays galore! We went to our new friend Rhys's 2nd birthday and then to Tory and Daunte's 2nd and 4th birthdays. We had lots of fun and make lots of new friends.

Friday, December 31, 2010

It's Been a Year! ~ Part 1

Wow! As we come to the end of 2010 I can't believe all the things that have happened. Even knowing where to start seems almost impossible. I guess the best place in January 2010.


January was a big month for us around her. After only a month and a half of crawling Laila took her first steps and has not stopped since. She toyed with us in the beginning taking a few steps in between the sofa and ottoman around the 4th, which I considered her first step but Jeremy so no he did not think that counted.

Just a few short days later she made no question about it...she was a walker. I posted this video before but can you really see to much of her taking her first few steps? I know I can't.

January also gave us our first real sick baby. Partly my fault and partly the doctors fault. Laila never really ran a supper high fever so I thought maybe she was just teething but she also had really bad cough. We let her sleep with us for about a week listening to her nasty 'seal-bark' like cough when one morning we woke up to the bark plus wheezing. That when I said I don't care if she does not have a fever high enough for the doctors to be concerned and boy am I happy I didn't. It tuned out that she had croup and a double ear infection. When the doctor wrote the prescription she kept apologizing for how much it was going to cost for the med and the apparatus as if that would make a difference if we treated her or not. It turned out that the antibiotic, steroid, and inhaler only came to about $5. The spacer mask cost like $40.

When we picked up her meds at the pharmacy the pharmacist said the steroid would either knock her out or make her wild/crazy....she took the wild/crazy rout. It did make for some fun videos, although many of them end with her falling.

The rest of our January was pretty low key...thank goodness.

On my own personal note, Dr. Schooley, said he wanted me to start thinking about finishing my thesis! I said you don't have to tell me twice.


Laila turned 1! It seemed like only yesterday that she was born and then she was 1 and now thinking about her turning 1 I can't believe that she is almost 2! Its crazy how fast the time flies with her. I think her birthday was hit. We invited friends, friends from work and family. My poor little house was almost bursting at the seems but it was really fun. Since her birthday we have been inducted into the Toddler Birthday Club, not really a true club but we have had more of a social scene that we ever had before we had Laila. Jeremy and I made Laila's birthday invitations and I have to say I am very proud of them. We tried to carry the butterfly theme all the way through the party.

We also had Laila's 1 year check up and like always she was in the 90% for length and head circumference but still a skinny mini. To much going on to take the time to sit down and eat. But more fun than sitting in the doctors office and getting shots was that Laila got to sit forward in the car. She loved it. Although we missed the rear facing seat while sleeping.

We also got to go sledding! For those of you that remember we went sledding on Laila's due date when she showed absolutely not sign of wanting to come out. It did me not good. Neither the elevation or the act of sliding down the small hills caused even the slightest contraction. It turns out she's not a fan of sledding. No wonder it did not help.

A few other things happened that resulted in some pretty cute pictures that really don't have much to say about them other than that it was the normal hilarity and happens around these parts.

On a my own personal note: I was unofficially offered a job, thesis not finished but moving well.
So it 2011 now! My New Years resolution for 2011 is going to be, keep up on this blog. But for now I'm going to call it a night and try to finish this up tomorrow.

Happy New Year!!!

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I am new to this Blogging idea. Only recently while trying to make a video of the little one triumphantly, although in her mind not as triumphantly as it was irritating, rolling over from her back to her stomach for the grandparents to see, did I decide to start this blog. I want to give grandparents, family and friends the ability to come and enjoy the growth and development of our little Laila Marie.