Thursday, July 23, 2009

Laila & The JumperRoo

Not much to say about this video, I think it speaks for it self. Laila LOVES her JumperRoo and spends as much of the day as she can.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Here is a silly video that I made using a new program I just bought. It shows Laila as a new born to ~2 months old. I tried to keep the theme to her sleeping and fussing. She does not fuss enough to have it only be her fussing. Any ways, I thought it turned out kind of cute so I thought I would share it. The song is "Crazy" by The Asteroids Galaxy Tour.

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I am new to this Blogging idea. Only recently while trying to make a video of the little one triumphantly, although in her mind not as triumphantly as it was irritating, rolling over from her back to her stomach for the grandparents to see, did I decide to start this blog. I want to give grandparents, family and friends the ability to come and enjoy the growth and development of our little Laila Marie.